Introducing our latest VSV hero


Introducing our latest VSV hero!

Name: Max R

Year level: Year 6

Max’s teacher, Helen Stearman, has nominated him as a VSV Hero.

Max started at VSV in Term 2 and quickly established a regular study routine. He completes and submits his weekly work and contributes positively to online classes. Max always demonstrates polite, respectful behaviour and works well with other students.

Max responds to feedback given by his teacher and he asks good questions. Max’s enthusiasm, diligence and self-motivation has impressed his VSV teacher!

Max’s Interview…

VSV: Congratulations on being the latest VSV Hero, Max!

Max: Thank you very much for choosing me!

Q. How long have you been at VSV?

A. I have been a VSV student since May this year.

Q. What’s the biggest difference, in your opinion, between VSV and mainstream schooling?

A. VSV is different to mainstream schools because there aren’t as many kids and you’re not in a classroom.

Q. What’s the best thing about being a VSV student?

A. The best thing is meeting new kids and teachers. There is always someone new joining.

Q. What’s the hardest thing about being a VSV student?

A. The hardest thing is not being able to see kids face-to-face.

Thanks, Max! Any final reflections on being enrolled at VSV?

A. Overall, VSV is a great opportunity to be able to do the work you need to and still meet other kids.

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