SRC update and meet Gemma and Lachlan


The SRC has been working on their various projects while also spreading the work of the team. Everyone has worked very hard and is excited to see what the new term will bring! We also have created an email so if you wish to contact the SRC you can do that via [email protected]

VicSRC Congress Panel
The VicSRC (Victorian Student Representative Council) recently held their annual VicSRC Congress Panel online. President Morn and Chairperson Lachlan represented VSV on their panel.

The congress panel is an opportunity for students from all over Victoria to join together, discuss the primary issues within the education system and brainstorm solutions. These issues and solutions then become the VicSRC’s basis for their advocacy platform for the next twelve months.

If you are interested in learning more about the role of the VicSRC, and the congress, here’s a video.

SRC Connect Week Session
On the 17th of August, during the Year 7 to 10 Connect Week, the SRC were given the opportunity to be featured as part of the ‘Choices of the Voices’ session. The one-hour session involved a fantastic turn-out, and as a result, a new member! During this session, an overview of the SRC and our role was shared, and students were given the opportunity to share feedback about their experience learning with VSV. This feedback went on to be discussed by school executives.

Have a go at this edition’s fun and challenging logic puzzle! Answers are at the end of the questions.

Logic Puzzle 1
Aldith, Bogdan and Chedomir are gathered in a medieval tavern. One of them is a knight who always tells the truth, one of them is a knave who always lies, and one of them is a jester who can either tell the truth or lie.

Aldith says, “I am not a knave.”
Bogdan says, “I am a knave.”
Chedomir says, “I am not a knave.”

Who is the jester?

Logic Puzzle 2
In front of you are 3 chests:

Chest A has been labelled with “100 gold coins,”
Chest B has been labelled with “50 gold and 50 silver coins,” and
Chest C has been labelled with “100 silver coins.”

You are told that all of the labels are incorrectly placed, as they describe the contents of another one of the chests. To help you determine which is the chest that contains 100 gold coins, you are allowed to pick a random coin (without looking) from a chest of your choice.

Which chest should you pick a coin from?

Note: The picking of a single coin is just a sample to figure out where the 100 gold coins are; the coin you pick does not necessarily need to be from the chest of 100 gold coins.


October SRC Member Profiles
This month we will be continuing our SRC member profiles. In this edition we would like to feature two more members of the 2021 SRC – Gemma and Lachlan.


Year Level: 11

Role: SRC Secretary and co-organiser of SRC newsletter

Hobbies: Reading, anything science or history related, baking/cooking, and singing.

Why did I choose to join the SRC? I chose to join the SRC as it was an opportunity to understand and become involved with an incredible initiative. Student, teacher, and parent voice is crucial to a school, and communication ensures that each of those voices are considered and met accordingly. As such, I believed it was important to participate in a club that promoted these aspects of the school.

What do I like most about the SRC? I quite like how the community of SRC students is always representing the school’s values of empathy, respect, collaboration, and growth. It is these values that drive and motivate the different changes around the school, for students, teachers, and parents. I also enjoy the various projects that the SRC are currently focusing on, as they are an opportunity for everyone to get involved, and participate in supporting the school.

What are my goals for the SRC? The SRC have already achieved an incredible number of goals, including the promotional video, the podcast, and newsletter, as well as having grown in number. One of my primary goals for the SRC would be to continue to hold sessions where students outside of the SRC body can come together, interact, and share feedback that is essential to the SRC, and our goals.



Year Level: 11

Role: Chairperson

Hobbies: Dungeons and Dragons, creative writing

Why did I choose to join the SRC? Because I wanted to grow as a leader and have influence in the school.

What do I like most about the SRC? Being given opportunities to partake in great experiences like the Student Leadership Conference and the VicSRC Congress.

What are my goals for the SRC? To help speak on behalf of the students and create positive change in VSV.


Student Voice Curriculum Day
On the 25th of August, Virtual School Victoria held a curriculum day that was focused on the topic of student voice. On this curriculum day students of the SRC were presented with the opportunity to speak directly to the teachers of Virtual School Victoria. The SRC presented a slideshow discussing the process of the SRC and how we are attempting to increase student voice and initiative in the school. Throughout the presentation several SRC members spoke and other members had the opportunity to provide a written testimonial which was presented to the teachers. The students who spoke agreed that it was “a scary but rewarding experience”.

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