Supporting students though VCE exams – tips from the Wellbeing team for parents/carers


The VCE exam period can be stressful for students and for the families supporting them.

Here are a few tips you can call on to help get through it together.

Keep home life calm and steady:

As parents and carers, the most important thing you can do is to keep your household rolling as smoothly as possible. It sends the message that exams are just one part of a much wider and richer life.

Help the student in your family keep an eye on the basics of life:

  • Make sure they are eating a regular and healthy diet (and minimise or avoid alcohol, coffee and drugs).
  • Fresh air, friendships and physical activity will help relieve stress and lift mood.
  • Keep sleep patterns on track so they are well rested in the approach to their exams.
  • Encourage moderation in their use of social media.

Encourage balance:

Study is an important part of exam preparation, but time free of study is also essential. Encourage your child to get away from the computer and books and spend time with family, friends or the family pets. This down time helps the brain process and hold the information it’s being asked to take in.

Be clear with communication:

Talk together about what your student needs from you during the exam time. Think and talk about how they manage stress, what you might notice about them, and what you can do to help when you see them struggling.

Listen for signs of anxiety or struggle and respond with compassion and reassurance.

Reflect back and gently challenge when you see they are feeling overwhelmed, losing motivation or avoiding study. Provide an alternative view that reminds them of the positive strengths / achievements / progress they have shown to get to this point in their study.

Set realistic goals

You know your student better than most other people. Help them to set exam goals and preparation plans that are realistic to their abilities and ambitions and that use their strengths.

Have a support team.

We all manage the difficult times in life better when we know we have people supporting us. What role can siblings, aunts, uncle and friends play?

If your child uses the support of a psychologist, counsellor or other professional, make sure they have an appointment in place to help them manage the demands of the exam period.More resources: Exam stress and teenagers | School and education (

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