SMAPs aim to identify and support students who are not fully engaging with their learning program. SMAPs may also be initiated when attempts to contact the student and parent have been unsuccessful.
Students directly enrolled with VSV
Learning Advisors work with students and families to build strong relationships and negotiate appropriate strategies to support them to further engage with their learning program.
The Green Letter is the first stage of the SMAP process. It aims to encourage the student and parent to contact the Learning Advisor to discuss strategies for the student to engage with their learning program. If the student does not further engage within 10 days, a face to face or phone conference is held with the student, Learning Advisor and parent/carer. An Amber Letter is sent with agreed strategies for re-engagement. The Red Letter is the final stage of the process.
For students under 17, this involves a discussion with the Pathways team to review enrolment at VSV and investigate alternative educational settings.
For students over 17, they may be withdrawn from their subject(s), both on the VSV Student Database and on the Victorian Assessment Software System (VASS).
In VCE, if this withdrawal happens for a Semester 1 unit, the student will also be withdrawn from the corresponding Semester 2 unit.
Please note: Activation of the SMAP process may affect Centrelink payments.
School-based students
The subject teacher will work with students, families and school supervisors to build strong relationships and negotiate appropriate strategies to support students to further engage with their learning program. If the student is not fully engaging the SMAP process will be activated.
The Green Letter is the first stage of the SMAP process. It aims to encourage the student, parent and school supervisor to contact the subject teacher to discuss strategies for the student to engage with their learning program. If the student does not further engage within 10 days, a face to face or phone conference is held with the subject teacher, student and school supervisor. An Amber Letter is then sent with agreed strategies for re-engagement. The Red Letter is the final stage of the process. For students in Year F – 10 this involves a discussion the Pathways team to review enrolment at VSV. For students in Year 11 and 12 they may be withdrawn from their subject(s), both on the VSV Student Database and on the Victorian Assessment Software System (VASS). In Year 11 and 12, if this withdrawal happens for a Semester 1 unit, the student will also be withdrawn from the corresponding Semester 2 unit.
In cases of a shared enrolment the student will have a Learning Advisor who initiates the SMAP process.
If you have any questions about how this process works, feel free to contact reception, who will transfer to one of our engagement leaders.